AGA Member Club Benefits

The AGA includes two types of members: Member Clubs and Individual Members. The Alabama Golf Association provides many benefits to its members at both the individual and club level.
USGA Liaison
- AGA serves as the Allied Golf Association to deliver USGA core services in the State of Alabama.
Member Club Directory (Online)
- Representation in AGA's online member club directory, featuring an interactive custom map, dynamic search of name, facility type, city or zip code with club detail including contact information, website link, and facility type. Search Member Club Directory.
Course Rating
- The AGA is licensed by the USGA to rate golf courses and issue USGA Course and Slope Ratings. This service is offered as a benefit to AGA member clubs.
GHIN and World Handicap System
- The purpose of the World Handicap System is to make the game of golf more enjoyable by enabling golfers of differing abilities to compete on an equitable basis.
- The AGA provides the GHIN handicap service that is the most widely used system in the United States including a tournament management package called USGA Tournament Management powered by Golf Genius.
- Clubs must become authorized in order to utilize the World Handicap System and issue a Handicap Index to their members. The AGA conducts handicap seminars to help educate and certify its member clubs.
- AGA member clubs interested in a World Handicap System presentation at their club are encouraged to contact the AGA.
Rules of Golf Services
- AGA Rules of Golf workshops are conducted throughout Alabama each spring. Additionally, AGA member club can request a Rules of Golf presentation for their membership.
- AGA supports the Alabama Turfgrass Research Foundation to help fund their research projects.
- Assist member clubs with contacting the USGA Green Section Agronomy Service.
- Alabama College Scholarship Fund to assist exceptional young men and women in Alabama pursue four years of higher education at an accredited college within the State.
Marketing Services
- The AGA provides a variety of digital marketing services at a discounted rate to its member clubs.
- AGA Member Promotions: promote your club to individual AGA members to boost rounds and increase revenue.
- Please click here for our AGA Media Kit.
- Up-to-date AGA website with the latest news, tournament results, handicap score posting, game tracker and handicap verification.
- AGA Annual Meeting
- The AGA stays abreast of legislative issues and supports industry initiatives that impact golf in Alabama.
- Bi-monthly newsletter
- Ability to host AGA Championships, tournament and USGA qualifiers to boost revenue and club exposure. Events are only held at AGA member clubs.